Shattering Hidden Ableism: How Discovering My Neurodiversity Transformed Wellness and Redefined My World
Shattering Hidden Ableism: How Discovering My Neurodiversity Transformed Wellness and Redefined My World And how making the connection between neurodiversity and ableism catalyzed it all… For most of my life, I didn’t even realize I was carrying this invisible weight. Being misunderstood, misinterpreted, and mislabeled had shaped the way I saw myself so deeply that […]
Neurodiversity or Narcissism: Why They Often Look The Same
Neurodiversity or Narcissism? Relationships are complex enough on their own, but when neurodivergence enters the picture, things can become even more layered. Late diagnosis brings a new lens of understanding to our behaviors—and the behaviors of those around us. One of the most surprising realizations I had after my late diagnosis was how certain neurodivergent […]
Why You Feel So Drained at Work: The Hidden Impact of Internalized Ableism and Toxic Productivity
Have you ever wondered why you leave work feeling defeated, even when you know you’ve done your job well? Or why no matter how hard you push yourself, it never seems to be enough? The root cause may not be your work ethic or ability but something far deeper: a culture of internalized ableism and […]
The Impact of Gluten on Mental Health
The Impact of Gluten on Mental Health In recent years, there’s been growing awareness about the connection between what we eat and how we feel. One particular area of interest is the impact of gluten on mental health. Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, has been a dietary staple for centuries. However, […]